Did I get you to look by my title?!
Before I start I should say I am not complaining just confused...
I weight myself always on the same scale and I always think I get an accurate weight. It is always around 140. My husband hates our scale and complains it is different than the one at the gym. (Hello, you have clothes on at the gym and have eaten so the weight will always be different than our home scale.) I never had problems with it doing this before. Well since my husband started weighing himself on our scale again at home it has jumped down to where I weight around 131 all the time now. I was really good at following my points last week but that seems like way too much weight to loose and I don't feel 8 lbs skinnier. Wouldn't I notice a huge difference in the way my clothes fit? They say 10lbs is a size.
We have been using his work out weights to check the accuracy of the scale and it always reads right where it should be. I just want to be able to track my weight loss not just say oh I lost another 8.6 lbs without really loosing it.
Has anyone had this happen or can you offer some insight?
That is a little weird. I always thought my scale was wrong because everyone asked me if it was. But it reads exactly what the doctors does.
Holy crap! If that scale is right then WHOOHOO for you!! That is impressive! BUT...that is a lot to drop so quickly...maybe try a friends scale??
It does seem like a lot, but if it's true, YAYAYAYY!!!!
I'd just try another scale!
Actually my home scale has done the exact same thing on numerous occasions. When I took it back in they said it must have gotten the calibrations. off So they "fixed" it but now I know there is a 4 pound difference...whatever my weight says on my home scale I automatically add 4 pounds to it. It's seriously annoying!
I hate scales for this very reason. Mine at home is tricky sometimes, but I feel like I know about what I weigh and if it's way up or down I don't panic or get really excited because I know it's off.
Either very puzzling or very exciting!!! Keep us posted!
My scale yo yo's around a lot. It drives me crazy!
I want your scale!
Hmmmm---has he messed with the scale ?
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