Friday, October 23, 2009

Cleaning Inspiration

What did I do this Friday evening when my husband was busy at the fire house?
My last Friday as a 25 year old?
I watched my neighbors little two year old.
Exciting right?
I actually love little kids and had a fun time. It also inspired me to make a few changes at my home. Her place was absolutely immaculate, there was no clutter or any hints of dirt.
I brought the little boy over to my house and really realized even though my place was in order and completely organized it was dirtier than hers. I jumped online for cleaning inspiration, where else than Martha Stewart? I found these great cleaning checklists that have it broken into daily, weekly, monthly and seasonally. Click here to see them. I printed up all that applied and I plan on trying to follow them for a minimum of a month.
Don't fear they really aren't too daunting especially after I spend way too much on new carpet. The biggest daily one will be sweeping my floor nightly. Luckily I have my shark vacuum, the best home buy I have made!
Do you clean with lists like these?
Please leave me your cleaning tips you use!


Suburban Princess said...

I have a master list of what to clean in each room and then the whole house is hoovered or mopped. Tho I rarely do it, the housekeeper does it but I keep it tidy. The quickest way to make a place look tidier is to just declutter!

That's Mrs. Russell said...

I wondered how this little guy would work.

Elizabeth said...

i have a cleaning list that is from martha also. i started it when i got her book on homekeeping! it is a must have book for every household in my opinion. i got mine on amazon for $28, but it retails for $50. worth every penny in my opinion.

Sonya said...

Great checklist! I'm happy to know that I do almost all of those things every day! I actually keep a daily to do list that includes cleaning. I try to spread my big tasks out over the week. Also I have a quick clean of the bathroom every day. I wipe down the mirror, vanity, and toilet tank almost every day. It leaves me less to clean later.

LawGirl said...

Every single time I go to a friends place and it's cleaner than mine I swear to keep my place like that. I always do a great job, with the original clean...from then on it's all down hill!

Rachel H. said...

Sounds like a productive evening!! :)