Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Back from camp

It's been a while since I've posted but today I finally have a day all to myself for the first time in three weeks! We had a great time at Young Life camp and as promised the kids each had the best week of their lives! Here are some pictures of just a few of the things we did.
We stopped the charter bus on the way at Slide Rock State Park on the way to camp. There is a chute that you can slide down and some spots to go cliff jumping.
After a 14 hour bus ride we had arrived at Lost Canyon!
My group of girls
We ran through a big mud obstacle course.
We ran around with pool floats and each named our pet
We got dressed up
We dressed in western clothes, had a carnival and swing danced
Then we jumped into the pool with our western gear on
One of the biggest things I did at camp was do all the adventurous stuff and not miss out. I have done it all before at different YL camps but doing it at 26 is different than at 16...
Much worse when you are up that high in the air holding onto only a cable
We also did a ropes course that has a ledge that is 50 feet up in the air so the only way down is to jump...
I look silly in this photo but I was so proud of myself for jumping off rather than just cowardly stepping off in fear.
One of the biggest highlights was getting to have JJ Heller sing for us each evening.


Rachel said...

This looks so fun! I have been to just one Young Life camp (Rockbridge) and it was amazing, to say the least! It looks like you all had a great time. So glad to hear the kids loved it :)

PinkLouLou said...

So fun! I am slightly jealous! So glad it was a good time!

Kristen said...

Hope you had fun!