Saturday, January 8, 2011

Scouting the Divine

Lately it seems that a ton of people have been posting their 2011 reading list so I figured I would share a book I'm currently reading and loving.
My mom heard the author speak at church one Sunday and bought me a copy. It was a book that didn't really appeal to me and I carried it around for months without starting it. I finally opened it late one evening and was so shocked by how much I learned. I had so many big Ahha moments (as Oprah would say) that I would read until I got to one and go to bed thinking over and applying to my life what I had just learned.
In Scouting the Divine Margaret Feinberg realizes that the bible uses descriptions that we no longer relate to in our everyday lives. How can we understand the promise of a land overflowing with milk and honey when we buy honey in a bear shaped jar? Why is Jesus always called a shepherd and us His lambs?
"To discover these deeper meanings, she spends time with a shepherdess in Oregon, walks the fields with a farmer in Nebraska, explore a vineyard of California, and talks with a veteran beekeeper in Colorado. Along the way, she gains deeper insight about how scripture applies to life today and discovers answers to puzzling questions."
This is definitely a book I will be passing around to my friends and young life kids.


~Mrs. Guru~ said...

I am sold. I am going to have to add this to my reading list!

Calamity Lace said...

Sounds like a very intersting read. It's going on my list.