Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The crazy diet

diet 1 |ˈdī-it|
the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats avegetarian diet specialist in diet.*
For the past week I have been following a diet that a nutritionist put together for me.  It isn't a weight loss diet but one that will help us get pregnant.  I am eating all sort of "scary" foods that I would never eat because the small serving was way too high in calories to justify.  I have gotten over my fear and have dived head first into things like eating an avocado a day and tons of coconut oil.  One of my biggest fears with this diet was weight gain so I decided to start keeping a close eye on it.  I was shocked when I had lost 3 lbs in 2 days rather than gained. I'll still be keeping an eye on my weight but hopefully the trend will continue downward.  
Please tell me I am not the only one who has foods they like but are scary foods to them...


Confessions of a Northern Belle said...

I had a lot of issues eating foods I knew were high in fat but good for me... then one day I said eff it and dove in. Now I can maintain my weight, or even lose some when I want, because I know how to eat! Dont fear the food!

Unknown said...

avocado is GOOD fat and so, so good for your skin and coconut it :o)
i bet your skin is glowing!!!
and yes, i was afraid of avocado too...but, it actually helps you burn the bad fats b/c you are replacing w/good fats.
i'd love to see a sample menu for a day or two...

Melissa said...

You are so totally not alone on this one. I also have foods that I like or love but that are just too scary for me to go near on a regular basis because I know how many calories and/or points they are.
Anyways good luck with the diet. Hope it helps you to be expecting soon! :)

Let The Tide Pull Your Dreams Ashore said...

I just got an avocado for dinner...yum! xx

Michelle said...

Sounds like a great plan for you! You may not want suggestions but I SWEAR that raspberry tea got me knocked up. SWEAR IT! Good luck with the new lifestyle!

A.U.G. said...

You are certainly not the only one! I am on a liquid (diet) experiment for the entire week and the first two days were the worst but now I am on the fourth day and well, it is a bit easier.